Good news stories for 2020
The best ‘good news story’ was the safe arrival of our twin granddaughters which has really thrown the balls up in the air but in the most delightful way.
This year’s studio open will be equally different as 2020 has been.
The collection that I will be presenting has taken me on quite a few tangents.
I have written and illustrated a Children’s Book but the twist is, it has Adult content as well...Curious?
I have plunged into a series of textile mixed media art inspired by our mining history and unique landscape with 4 completed artworks and 1 in the making for you to see in its conceptual stage.
My “Fire” collection has a mixed media piece that has a story to tell along with my Pastel smoky fire scenes.
Then there are some “Conversation” pieces where I get a bit ‘D and M’ where life imitates art.
I hope you will join me and accept my 7th Annual “Invitation to be Curious” at my Open Studio and Garden for each Sunday in November from 10 – 4
(There are 5 Sundays to choose from)
I hope this finds you well and hope to see you soon.
Last note please be aware of new parking restrictions on our street. Parking is only allowed on one side of the street so please use our driveway or park by the river and stroll up to the studio.